Vital Records

Welcome to Vital Records

All Births, Deaths, and Marriages that took place in Richland County are maintained in the County Clerk’s office. In the State of Illinois, vital records were not required to be filed until 1916. Our records go back to that time and beyond. A certified copy is a legal document with both the county and state seals.

Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates
$25.00 – First Copy
$12.00 – Second Copy

1. $25.00
2. $37.00
3. $49.00
4. $61.00
5. $73.00
6. $85.00
7. $97.00
8. $109.00
9. $121.00
10. $133.00
11. $145.00
12. $157.00
20. $253.00

Effective January 1st, 2019

There are only two ways to obtain a birth certificate: in person or by mail. The only person allowed to obtain a birth certificate is the person whose birth certificate it is (If they are 18 years of age or older), the Mother on the certificate and the Father if he is on the certificate.

• Full birth name
• Date of birth
• Father’s full name
• Mother’s full maiden name
• Photo ID
• $25.00 for 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate.

• Simple written request with your signature.
• Include your full birth name.
• Date of birth
• Father’s full name
• Mother’s full maiden name
• Photocopy of your photo ID
• Stamped envelope, with the return address of the person requesting the certificate.
• Check or money order for payments $25.00 for the 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional of the same certificate.

There are only two ways to obtain a death certificate: in person or by mail. The only person allowed to obtain a death certificate is the closest next of kin or someone needing it for legal purposes.

• Full name of the deceased
• Date of death
• Photo ID
• $25.00 for the 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate.

• Simple written request with your signature.
• Include full name of the deceased
• Date of death
• Relationship to the deceased or reason for obtaining the certificate.
• Photocopy of photo ID
• Stamped envelope, with the return address of the person requesting the certificate.
• Check or money order for payment: $25.00 for the 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate.

There are only two ways to obtain a marriage certificate: in person or by mail. The only people allowed to obtain a marriage certificate are the Bride and Groom on the certificate.

• Full name of the Bride and Groom
• Date of marriage
• Photo ID
• $25.00 for the 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate.

• Simple written request with your signature.
• Include full names of both the Bride and Groom.
• Date of marriage
• Photocopy of photo ID
• Stamped envelope, with the return address of the person requesting the certificate.
• Check or money order for payment: $25.00 for the 1st copy and $12.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate.

Marriage license must be purchased in the County in which you plan to get married.

1. Both parties must come together to the County Clerk’s Office.
2. Both parties must be at least 18 years of age.
3. Both parties will need their picture identification (Driver’s License or State-issued ID)
4. If you have your birth certificate, please bring it with you.
5. Each party will need to know information on their parents.
a. Each parent’s name
b. Current addresses
c. State in which each parent was born
6. If there are any divorces of the Bride or Groom, you will need to know the date, and the County and State in which the last divorce took place.
7. There is a $60 fee for the marriage license.
8. You must obtain your marriage license at least 24 hours in advance of the marriage. The marriage license is then good for 60 days from the date of purchase.
9. We do not begin the marriage license process after 3:30 PM.

If you desire to be married by a Judge in the Courthouse, contact the Circuit Clerk’s Office to set up an appointment.

Richland County Circuit Clerk
103 W Main St
Olney, IL 62450
(618) 392-2151

Amanda Troyer
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